Central America News on Higher Education

Over the past decade, the number of students participating in higher education programs in Central and Latin America has almost doubled, though the number of students that graduate in a timely manner is not even 50 percent. So in terms of quality and efficiency, there is still a world to win. So read on to learn more Central America news on Higher Education.

For any region in the world, higher education is the key to boosting economic growth and to reducing inequality and poverty. To make sure the equity of both economic and educational opportunities will be enhanced, the Latin American region must make sure the quality and accessibility of education will be improved and that students will be better informed about academic programs, be met with adequate incentives, and that there are sufficient financing options and options to connect with the labor market. Additionally, universities and colleges must be better regulated to improve academic standards and accountability for the services provided.

For economic stability and income improvement, a well-developed educational system is paramount. This is key for enhancing income prospects.  In general, we see that students who hold a college or university degree will be earning more than twice the amount that students with only a high school diploma can make.

In the Latin American region, the percentage of students in the age category 18 to 24 that were enrolled in a college or university, rose from just over 20 percent in 2002 to almost 50 percent in 2016. Sure, unequal access to higher education is still around, but we’ve seen substantial progress, specifically among groups of low and middle incomes.

Today, universities need not only recognize the conceptualization of globalization but also to consider students as part of a multicultural society. Institutions of higher education achieve this objective by a multidimensional and comprehensive strategy, including institutional internationalization and involvement in issues and global partners.

No university can merely depend on the future training of students and professions, they also have an obligation to support developing countries and address options in the job market. This has nothing to with neglecting the spirit of universal learning at Universities, it has to do with the ability to contribute to the integral formation of being human, and the need to offer students a professional career and to be able to perform permanently after leaving the academy.

The university is a company in which knowledge is growing in all its forms and the result is the development, direct or indirect, of social groups, within a situation that was already created thanks to generational change, and that allows the assessment of skills and training as it is trying to produce self-reliant and creative individuals.

One of the fundamental tasks of the University is the assessment of which professions will see a decrease of career possibilities, which will remain unchanged, which ones will be re-allocated, and which industries will be created, so that, in one way or another, they can meet the demands of countries and regions. Factual sciences, information sciences, and technological advancement,
They must provide relevant courses of interest and attention, devote their space, time, and economic support for effective development while maintaining a balance by offering courses on the social sciences including human behavior and courses that address relationships with ethics and morals.

Members of AUPRICA


  • San Judas Tadeo
  • UCI
  • Universidad Hispanoamericana
  • Universidad Fidélitas


  • Universidad Rural de Guatemala
  • Universidad San Pablo de Guatemala
  • Universidad Galileo
  • Universidad Panamericana


  • Ave María University
  • UTM
  • Escuela Agrícola Panamericana El Zamorano
  • Universidad San Pedro de Sula


  • Ave María University
  • UTM
  • Universidad del Valle
  • Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales
  • UAM


  • Universidad Columbus
  • UAM
  • QLU
  • UPAM
  • ISAE


  • UMA
  • Universidad Andrés Bello
  • UGB
  • UPES
  • UJMD
  • UAE
  • UFG
  • UEES

Higher Education in Latin America: The International Dimension